The neighborhood known as Lincolnville has seen many incarnations. Comprised of some 600, mostly Victorian houses today, it began with just a couple of plantation homes on some tracts. Then, it was founded by freed slaves in 1866 and called Little Africa. It was further developed for the workforce that were hired by Henry Flagler to staff his hotel empire. Notably during the 1960's it became a pivotal seat of the Civil Rights Movement. For many years it's been a favorite with the college kids and artists and now, one of the most sought after areas to live, here in St. Augustine. Remnants of these different eras live side by side, creating a rich cultural tapestry It takes about 18-20 minutes to stroll into the heart of downtown St. Augustine. Our modern guest suite is best suited to people who want to be a little removed from the center of town and who relish cultural diversity. Separate entrance and nice new terrace.