First impression upon check-in where great! Home was nice and cool as well as very clean. The check-in process was easy and the check-out process was one that I never experienced. Most rentals give you a huge chore list to take care of before leaving and this one only asks that you lock the door. This is a huge plus in my opinion and should be used as a selling point on the listing.
Neighborhood was nice, quiet, and away from tourist attractions.
Communication was great with host.
Home AC was GREAT. Every night was nice and cool.
A few issues that we experienced, and is solely based preference, was the secondary bedrooms did not have ceiling fans and the curtains/drapes served no purpose because the sun beams right through them. We were up extremely early every day as soon as the sun rose. On vacation, the last thing I want to do is wake up early with the sun rise. We traveled (drove) across the country and hoped for a good night rest the first night, but it was tough. However, we dealt with it and made the best of it. Again, this is 100% based on preference. My recommendation to ownership is the provide two styles of curtains to serve both purposes of letting some sun and keeping it out.
Cookware (pots/pans) were limited but we made it work. We did have to go out and purchase a cutting board because we were unable to find one.
Since we stayed 6 nights I wish we would've known when trash days were to help.
Overall it was a great place to rest our heads.