Overall I enjoyed my stay at the resort but if the 4 points below were addressed I’m sure all guests stays would be improved.
1. Provision of a gym even if it was a small indoor area with a few pieces of workout apparatus
2. A dedicated, off to side clearly signposted smoking area where non-smokers are less exposed. Smokers were instructed to smoke at the entrance to a main beach access point adjacent to the bar & dining areas. This path & stairway was frequented by many families with small children. Smoking Allowed wasn’t sign posted, there was no butt bucket of any description and many dumped butts on the dune underneath the landing where smoking took place, which is not an eco friendly practice
3. It would have been great if check in procedures had been followed, there was more than a 50minute delay, we did receive an apology but considering I was 5 metres away (pre-checkin had been done, mobile & email details known), communication could have been better
4. Our buggy driver to the airport got lost, must have been embarrassed as at first he denied being lost when questioned, lucky we didn’t miss our flight hm, though we were late. Perhaps the resort buggies could be equiped with clear instructions or a laminated map displaying what’s where and colour coded directions with arrows displaying how to get there. I believe guests would also appreciate this being available & the resort be more efficient & pro active for their staff navigating the island & assisting guests