Avoid if you want sleep or if you're a solo female traveller.
Stayed in Room 309 which is a family room. Even with all the windows closed, the noise from the surrounding bars and clubs is deafening. The music levels and sounds from customers outside kept us awake until after 2am. The owners clearly know there is a noise problem with this venue, as there were disposable ear buds on each bed. These do not work to kill all the noise.
The noise inside is just as bad. The place was full of people coming back from nights out. On our floor, there was a constant stream of shouting and door banging, with drunken people returning to their rooms. At 5am we had to get up and ask a neighbouring room to stop shouting. There was no member of staff around to intervene and no security. In fact there is no proper reception are in this hostel and if there's a need for staff to help, you can't find anyone. This puts your own safety at risk. In total we had about 3 hours sleep due to all the noise and internal commotion.
Worst of all, there are no security checks or security doors inside. So anyone can follow you inside the building and get free access to the lifts, corridors and rooms. I twice entered the hostel before midnight and not once was I asked to confirm I was a guest. Nor was there a security door to stop someone gaining access to our floor. Not great if you're a solo female.
Would not recommend to anyone. A poor imitation of the previous hostel at this site.