This house is cute, and clean. However, for the price, I was a bit disappointed.
There are several things throughout the house that are either not working, old, or squeaky.
Additionally, there is no air-conditioning. I was told air-conditioning wasn’t necessary due to the nice summer weather in the mountains - but this house made it particularly challenging because the master bedroom wouldn’t get below 85° (during our summer visit). There is a ceiling fan in the master bedroom, but it squeaks so loudly that it interrupts your sleep. There is no cross-breeze, even when you open all the windows. It’s so easy to install a balance kit on a fan, it desperately needs it!!!!
Additionally, the house has three bedrooms, one of which is on the main floor right as you enter the front door and the other two are up several flights of stairs (I’d guess at least 35 stairs total). This is clearly not ideal for the elderly or anybody who has physical limitations.
The view off the back porch is of an old shed and broken down fence. You cannot see the lake (and you can barely see the mountains).
The kitchen is nicely appointed with a fairly new refrigerator and granite countertops. However, the major drawer/shelf within the fridge is broken, and we almost dumped out all of our food just by opening the door every time. The unit has plenty of dishes, pots, and silverware. They also have some spices.
Access to the local dock is great. Ignore the no trespassing signs.