Firstly, the listing was for the 1st floor, but after arriving the evening of the 9th, the apartment miraculously changed to the 2nd floor, which was over 15 stairs up! The entire point if bookkng this property was because it was listed as 1st floor with only 7 stairs to the apartment. We arrived to a random man being in apartment 1, only to later find out it was the owner that was in apartment 1 and mived us to tge 2nd floor without our permission!The 2nd florr apartment looked like a college student's apartment in the bedrooms, which is nothing like the 1st floor. The bed linens were disheveled and wrinkled. The comforters were folded at the end of the beds rather being on the beds. The 2 beds in the 2nd bedroom didn't have headboards and the only furniture was a wobbling nightstand in between the 2 beds. No tv or dresser on the room.The bathroom had used (turned upside-down) shampoo bottles and a huge stain/gash on the tub. Towels in the closet looked suspects.Needless to say, I demanded a refund for grossly misrepresenting the property and reported the listing to VRBO.PROCEED WITH CAUTION.the property